Digital Transformation is a popular theme for seminars and workshops in the public sector. Red Plume is experienced in moderating seminars and workshops, and delivering keynote speeches.
Also Red Plume organizes workshops and masterclasses for Public Sector leaders,management and IT professionals.

View of the future: introduction and discussion with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) on the digital transformation (2018);
Follow the Trend: seminar on Digital Transformation for the municipality of Middelburg (2018);
Smart Cities. Introduction to the Data-driven Policy workshop of Berenschot Consultancy for the A + O Municipalities Foundation (Utrecht, 2017);
Standards and rules for the smart city. Introduction together with the municipality of Eindhoven at the Smart Cities 2.0 congress of AG Connect and the National Board (Zeist, 2017);
Opportunities for municipalities in a digitizing world. Seminar with managers, managers and policy makers from municipalities from the province of Groningen (at the request of Berenschot Consultancy) (Groningen, 2017);
The Data Revolution and Digital Transformation. College for Master of Public Information Management program of PBLQ / Erasmus (The Hague, 2017);
Digital Customer Travel from the Government: Quo Vadis? Introduction and moderation seminar (PEGA Systems, Amsterdam, 2017);
Smart Cities and the role of the municipal organization advisor. NOA meeting. (Amersfoort, 2017);
Modern ways of interaction with citizens: international workshop (EIPA, Barcelona, 2017);
Smart Cities and police: The operational center of the future (DITSS, Eindhoven, 2017);
Digital transformation: not because it is possible, but because it has to be done. Introduction for the RDW (Zwolle, 2017);
What are the consequences of Digital Transformation for the Tax Administration? Introduction for Jong Belastingdienst (Apeldoorn, 2016);
If the Google Car can do without a steering wheel, why do not you still need one? TEDX-like contribution in honor of the inaugural lecture of prof.dr. A. Meijer at Utrecht University (Utrecht, 2016);
Data and the City: What does the data society look like and what does this mean for cities and their boards? Introduction for 10 medium-sized municipalities, at the request of the A & O fund (Utrecht, 2016);
Smart City: Introduction and discussion about the Smart City and the consequences for information management for a group of 30 municipalities of the province of Noord-Brabant (at the request of KPN) (Eindhoven, 2016);
The future of information management. Lectures within the masterclasses PBLQ Verbinders (2016, 2017);
The data society: Workshop with experts from the National Archives, organized by PBLQ (The Hague, 2015);
Smart Cities: hype or hope? Introduction and debate during the Festival of Public Administration. Organized by PBLQ (Utrecht, 2015);
Smart Cities: food for thought Key-note and day presidency for the Smart City seminar of the Geography Faculty of Utrecht University (2016);
Digitalization versus datafication Academic introduction during the conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA (Utrecht, 2016);
Smart Cities. Introduction and workshop (together with Prof. M. Thaens of PBLQ) during the National Conference of Public Administration (Delft, 2016);
Smart Cities: Interoperability and standards. Introduction about the usefulness and necessity of open standards at Smart Cities, at the request of Standardization Forum (Eindhoven, 2016).